Top colleges for M.Des (Master of Design) in India

M.Des in India

Updated on 4 Feb 2025 

Embarking on a Master of Design (M.Des) journey in India opens doors to a realm of creativity and innovation. Several distinguished institutions stand out for their excellence in offering M.Des programs, shaping future designers and fostering cutting-edge expertise. These M.Des colleges or M.Des institutions in India are at the forefront of design education, offering a diverse range of specializations such as Interaction Design, Industrial Design, and UI-UX Design.

The M.Des journey is not just about earning a degree; it's about immersing oneself in the dynamic world of design, staying abreast of the latest user experience trends, and collaborating with industry professionals. Pursuing an M.Des degree in India is an investment in a future where design excellence meets real-world challenges. Discover the possibilities and unlock your potential in the vibrant landscape of Masters in Design in India. 

Master of Design (MDes, M.Des. or M.Design) is a postgraduate academic master degree in the field of Design awarded by several academic institutions around the world. Below, providing you a curated list of colleges/institutions awarding design grooming, knowledge and M.Des course.

Disclaimer: This article does not offer any ranking or position of colleges/institutes, it is requested not to make college selection decision using this article ONLY.  

NID - National Institute of Design

Offers a 2.5 years M.Des course in Product Design, Furniture Design, GraphicDesign, Animation Film Design, Film & Video Communication Design, Exhibition Design, Textile Design, Toy & Game Design, Photography Design, Apparel Design, Transportation Design, Lifestyle Accessory Design, New Media Design, Information Design, Interaction Design, Retail Experience Design, Universal Design, Digital Game Design from its three campuses at Ahmedabad (Main campus), Bangalore (R&D campus) and Gandhinagar (PG campus), India.

IISC Bangalore - Indian Institute of Science
Center for Product Design and Manufacturing, Bangalore, India, awards a Master of Design in Product Design and Engineering in a two-year program.

IIT Guwahati - Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Offers a M.Des degree in a two-year program.

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Awards a M.Des degree in a two-year program.

IDC Mumbai - Industrial Design Centre 
Indian Institute of TechnologyMumbai
Awards a Master of Design degree in Industrial Design, Visual CommunicationAnimationInteraction Design, and Mobility and Vehicle Design. All programs require two years of study.

IIT Hyderabad - Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad 

Awards a M.Des degree in a two-year program. 

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As UXNESS being official Education Partner Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF), brings you 25% discounts (3 Months Free) subscription on UX courses.

Offers post-graduate programs in M.Des and the admission is through CEED.

Offers Master programmes in M.Des (master in design), M.F.M. (Master in Fashion Management) M. FTech. (Master in Fashion Technology)

Awards an M.Des. degree in a two-year program.

SoDS - School of Design Studies – UPES Dehradun 

Offers M.Des degrees in (a)Industrial design, (b)Product Design, (c)Interior Design, (d)Transportation Design.

Awards a M.Des degree in Product Design, Interaction Design & Visual Communication and also PhD in Design. 

Disclaimer: This article does not offer any ranking or position of colleges/institutes, it is requested not to make college selection decision using this article ONLY.  

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