Amazing infographics for UX designers & researchers


Amazing infographics for UX designers & researchers

UX field is pretty vast in terms of learning concepts, principles, research methods, processes etc. A cool way to learn these things easily is using infographics. In this article you can find some amazing UX infographics prepared by experts in UX field such as NNGroup, MeasuingU, UPA etc. which taks about UX process, UX research methods etc. in very easy & creative way. Best place to keep to these infographics is you workstation wall. So check them out and stick it around for better learning. 

1. UX Methods infographic 

Measuring U 

UX Methods infographic

Top UX Bootcamps by Interaction Design Foundation - $200 OFF

2. Designing the user experience

UPA - Usability Professionals Associations 

Designing the user experience

3. UX Research cheat sheet 

Nielsen Norman Group 

UX Research cheat sheet

Interaction Design Foundation IDF  Free Membership Offer

4. When to use which UX Research method 

Nielsen Norman Group

When to use which UX Research method

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UX Design certificate by Google

5. The User Experience Wheel 

Magnus Revang 

The User Experience Wheel

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Creative designers if you have tried to create such infographics which may help other UX folks in learning something new in easy terms, then please share your infographic posters with us ( and get it published at UXNess platform. 


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