Top UX conferences to look in 2020

UX conferences of 2020

The year 2020 has brought some amazing UX & design conferences which are waiting for UX enthusiasts & designers to witness the innovation. Here is a curated list of top UX conferences coming up in 2020. 

1. UX Istanbul Conference 2020

UX Istanbul 2020

18 Feb 2020, Istanbul

“The first International User Experience and Usability Conference of Turkey and Region.”
We are a one-day user experience and usability event, and we annually “fascinate” our guests. By being the first UX conference of Turkey, we gather UX and Usability professionals from World’s leading companies in Istanbul, to share their experiences.

2. Convey UX 2020

Convey UX 2020

3-5 Mar 2020, Seattle, US

ConveyUX is the premier user experience conference on the West Coast. The 2020 conference in Seattle features 65 sessions from 50 UX leaders across three full days. Join us March 3–5, 2020 to explore how UX really gets done.

3. Design Thinking 2020

Design thinking 2020

14-17 Apr 2020, Austin, US

Teamwork makes the dream work! As the #1 Event for Design, CX, and UX professionals, be a part of Design Thinking 2020 and get excited for four jam-packed days filled with hands-on learning workshops, site tours, and keynote presentations led by innovative design thinkers from all industries.

4. Information Architecture Conference

IAC 2020

16-18 Apr 2020, New Orleans, US

Our theme: Sense and Sense-making
While lots of conferences might have a 2020 vision, we like to look at things differently – and sight is only one sense amongst many. This year we want to celebrate the science of making sense and and the art of making mischief. We want to talk about how, when and why we encode, transmit, receive and interpret information. We’ll discuss what we can perceive and make available to the senses, the intelligence we use to interpret and understand things and the intentional actions that result when things make sense. In New Orleans we’ll explore sense-making (with a dose of serendipity) to see how we make sense of the world and the futures we face.

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5. CHI 2020

CHI 2020

25-30 Apr 2020, Honululu, US

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. CHI  – pronounced ‘kai’ – is a place where researchers and practitioners gather from across the world to discuss the latest in interactive technology. We are a multicultural community from highly diverse backgrounds who together investigate and design new and creative ways for people to interact using technology.


6. UXR 2020

UXR 2020

3-5 Jun 2020, Toronto, Canada

The field of UX Research is growing at an extraordinary pace. More and more people are looking to transition into research roles and even senior leaders themselves are eager to learn the basics. Not only are the numbers of researchers ballooning, the research practice itself is changing with new tools, technologies, and research challenges. Every year the practice changes, but who are the people deciding what that change is?

 7. ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference 2020

IDC 2020

21-24 June 2020, London, UK

IDC is an annual conference that promotes research concentrating on the design, development, and use of interactive technologies for children. London is a key hub for Ed Tech companies, shaping the landscape of digital learning and practice. The theme for this year’s IDC is “designing for the future”. This theme invites critical and generative perspectives that take stock of two decades of IDC research to conceptualise the role and impact of digital technology for children.

8. HCI International 2020

HCII 2020

14-19 Jul 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark

HCI International 2020, jointly with the affiliated Conferences, under the auspices of 21 distinguished international boards of 491 board members from 49 different countries, held under one management and one registration, will take place at AC Bella Sky Hotel and Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark. The Conference will start with three days of Tutorials (19-21 July). Parallel Sessions with paper presentations, Poster Sessions and the Exhibition will be held during the next three days (22-24 July) of the Conference.

9. Mobile HCI 2020

Mobile HCi 2020

5-8 Oct 2020, Oldenburg, Germany

The MobileHCI Conference Series has shaped research, development and practice in mobile devices and services for over two decades now. In keeping with this tradition of innovation, the conference theme in 2020 is “expanding the horizon of mobile interaction.” Technological advances now allow us to connect devices, displays, and interfaces into larger ensembles and novel interactions that are fluid across the real world and the digital world. Multisensory and multimodal mobile interactions can support us both during leisure time and in our workplace, at home or with friends, in our personal spaces or in public environments. MobileHCI 2020 embraces this expanded horizon of mobile interaction and invites submissions and contributions that reflect this broad view of our field.

10. World Usability Congress

World Usability Congress 2020
21-22 Oct 2020, Graz, Austria

The World Usability Congress is a two day international UX conference. In 2020 it will take place for the eighth time in Graz, Austria. We invite over 40 recognized speakers from different industries to share their real-world UX challenges and collaborate with our attendees in multi-disciplinary workshops.



UXPA 2020

UXPA 2020

22-25 June 2020, Baltimore, USA
Join 100s of UX researchers, designers, academics and leaders from all over the world. We’ll be discussing, learning and debating everything UX. If you’re new to the field or a seasoned practitioner, we have something for you. 

ARVR World Summit

ARVR World Summit

10-11 June 2020, ExCeL, London

Europe’s leading technology-driven conference and exhibition showcasing AR, VR and XR as the essential tool for business transformation. Unlock a deeper understanding of AI, edge and IoT applications. Visualise your roadmap to a technology-enabled and sustainable future of innovation, today.

Did we miss any good event of UX? Do share with us on 


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