A Many a times Companies spend lot of money, efforts,
resources etc. in designing and developing a good product with high
expectations to generate new business, better conversions, high sales,
increasing revisiting of customers etc. but fail to achieve those goals. There
is a correlation between product success and its Usability. Are your users able
to use it? Is your product satisfying all user needs? All these questions
actually define success. We conduct mobile app/ website Usability review and
identify Usability related issues and provide suggestions to improve them.
Why Usability review
A Usability review is where an expert goes through your
interface looking for usability, experience problems, areas of improvement and
makes recommendations on how to fix them. We inspect your site or application
based on the industry best practices and principles to come up with finding on
which you can take action on.
We evaluate your site or application based on the
usability heuristics and give them severity level which helps you take better
decision which things to be addressed/fix first.
We give you the report
contains detailed findings and recommended solutions for improving the
usability & experience of your site/application which will helps you
achieve business goals.
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