myBhasha ... language translation with best experience

'myBhasha' is an application concept/idea by which a person can convert unknown written text/language in his/her known language. It is not a normal conversion where a person selects 1 language and coverts in to 2nd language. But what if he/she is not aware about the language which is written over any board. 'myBhasha' is an application which is smart enough to detect the language automatically and converts into your language.

Word  'Bhasha' has been taken from language Hindi which means  - Language and 'my' has been taken from English. Have a look into my concept, waiting for comments and reviews.


 1. myBhasha is an application concept of real time language translation. 

 2.  Just select your language.

3. Open application and see the boards, text or any written script. Application will start scanning the text and it will convert written text in your language.

 4. And you will see written text in your language.

5. Information architecture of application.

6. Conversion and display.

Author: Abhishek Jain (User Experience Designer)  twitter - @abhishekjain520


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